Database Management - Creating A New Database
New and improved HM3 FAQ system:

Create New Database FAQ:

Note: No Database Software is required to create a database and use Holdem Manager 3.

The Holdem Manager 3 database is where hands are stored for quick access throughout Holdem Manager 3.  Most users will only need to use a single database, but you can also create multiple databases if you so choose.
Default location for Holdem Manager 3 databases:
C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Holdem Manager 3\Databases 

To create a new Database, click File > New Database 

Holdem Manager will ask you to name your database, then once the database is created you can Import Hands or start playing live and hands will import if Auto Import Folders are setup correctly.

*Do not create your HM3 Database in a sub-folder of any cloud file hosting service (Dropbox, OneDrive,.Google Drive, etc) as it will cause database corruptions if synchronizing while HM3 is running.