Thank you for purchasing the SitNGo Wizard 2 (SW2).
Follow these steps to activate your license.
[h1]Update to Latest Release [/h1]
Make sure you are running the latest release. You can download the latest release here
[h1]Validate the License[/h1]
Open the HM2 and then open the SitNGo Wizard Tab.
Click on the My License button in the ribbon bar at the top of the Wizard window.
Fill out the form.
Copy and paste the your activation code into the Activation Code field then click the Validate License button.
The Wizard will contact the license server to verify your activation code. When it finishes the SitNGo Wizard window should display your license status as “Registered” just below the ribbon bar.
If your activation fails:
1. Make sure your computer’s system clock is set to the correct date.
2. Make sure your fire wall or virus software is not blocking the Wizard’s access to the internet.
Then repeat the above instructions.
If you still have a problem send your license ID, which you can find in the My License dialog, to
[h1]Introduction[/h1] The SitNGo Wizard 2 (SW2) is the most advanced tournament analysis tool available. SW2 is based on the Holdem Manager 2 (HM2) database engine, which provides several advantages.
[h1]SNG Wizard Download[/h1]
Click here to download the stand alone version of SitNGo Wizard 2.
If you have Holdem Manager 2, the Wizard is already included in HM2. Just open HM2 and go to the SNG Wizard 2 Tab
[h1]Importing Hands into SNG Wizard[/h1]
Click the “Hand Importing” button on the ribbon bar to import hand histories into the Wizard.
The Hand Importing button.
In the Hand Importing dialog, click “Import Hands” to select hand history files to import or click “Import Folder” to import all of the files in a folder.
The Hand Importing dialog.
The dialog will display the progress as hands are imported.
Hands imported successfully.
When the import is complete, click the Close button to return to the Tournaments view.
[h1]Analyze hands Overview[/h1]
This section provides a quick overview of analyzing a hand in the Wizard. After you have imported some tournament hand histories you will see the tournaments view populated with your tournaments.
The Tournaments View.
At the top of the Wizard window is the ribbon bar. The ribbon bar provides access to commands for settings, filtering, navigation, and more. Just below the ribbon bar you will see two tabs: Tournements and Current Hand. The Tournaments tab displays a list of your tournaments and below that a list of hands that are in the selected tournaments. The Current Hand tab displays the analysis of the currently selected hand in the tournaments view. To analyze a hand, select the hand in the tournaments view and click on the Current Hand tab.
[h1]Current Hand[/h1]
The Current Hand View.
The current hand view has three components: a toolbar at the top, the opponent actions list on the left side, the hand details view on the right side. The toolbar lets you quickly select a tournament tag, which defines tournament information like payouts. You can also switch between the final table (which uses ICM equity) and before the final table (which uses chip equity).
The opponent actions list displays all possible opponent actions. It is divided into three sections: previous opponent actions that occurred before the hero’s first action, possible opponent action that occur after the hero pushes, and possible opponent actions that occur after the hero folds. The right view displays tabs that show various details about the hand. The Snapshot tab shows a graphical snap shot of the state of the table depending on the currently selected opponent action. When you select a different opponent action, the snap shot will change. Below the snap shot is the analysis summary.
Equity Push is your equity when you push. Equity Fold is your equity when you fold. Diff is the difference between Equity Push and Equity Fold. When Equity Push is greater than Equity Fold (Diff is positive), pushing is more profitable than folding. When Equity Push is less than Equity Fold (Diff is negative), pushing is less profitable than folding. Selecting the Hole Cards tab will display the hole cards grid.
The hole cards grid.
The hole cards grid shows the Diff for every possible hero hand. Pushing hands are displayed in green. Folding hands are displayed in red. Neutral hands are displayed in white. Select the Graphs tab to display a graph of the currently selected opponent action.
The opponent action graph.
The opponent action graph plots the select opponent action hand range against the hero’s Diff. The opponent hand range is plotted on the X axis and the hero’s Diff is plotted on the Y axis. This allows you to quickly visualize the range of the opponent’s action that you can profitably push against.
The current hand toolbar displays information about the current hand and allows you to change the hands payout structure.
The current hand toolbar (click to enlarge).
[h1]The Poker Site[/h1]
The first item on the toolbar is the Poker Site where the hand was played.
The poker site (click to enlarge).
[h1]The Hand Source[/h1]
The second item is the source of the hand. This can be either:
[h1]Opponents Action[/h1]
The opponent actions view in the current hand tab allows you to set the hand ranges for every possible opponent action. While default opponent hand ranges are provided, you should always review every opponent hand range and change those you feel are not accurate.
Opponent Actions View (click to enlarge).
When you select an action in the opponent actions view, most of the tabs in the details view on the right side are updated to reflect the currently selected action.
There are two tabs in the opponent actions view: Hero Pushes and Hero Folds.
[h1]Hero Push Actions[/h1]
The Hero Pushes tab displays opponent actions that can happen if the hero pushes all-in.
Hero push actions.
The first action is the hero’s push. The rest of the actions are opponent actions. There are two levels of opponent actions: call actions and overcall actions.
Call actions happen when the opponent is the first opponent to call the hero’s push. These actions are indented one level from the hero push action.
Overcall actions happen when an opponent calls both the hero and another opponent’s push. These actions are indented two levels. Overcall actions are only displayed when the Show Overcalls check box at the top of the view is checked.
[h1]Hero Fold Actions[/h1]
The Hero Folds tab displays opponent actions that can happen if the hero folds.
Hero fold actions.
There are three levels of opponent actions: push actions, call actions and overcall actions.
Push actions happen when the opponent is the first to push after the hero folds. These actions are not indented.
Call actions happen when the opponent is the first opponent to call an opponent’s push.
These actions are indented one level. Overcall actions happen when an opponent calls both an opponent’s push and another opponent’s call. These actions are indented two levels. Overcall actions are only displayed when the Show Overcalls check box at the top of the view is checked.
[h1]Editing Opponent Hand Ranges[/h1]
Clicking on an underlined opponent hand range will pop up the opponent hand range editor.
Click on an opponent hand range to edit it.
See Editing Opponent Hand Ranges for more information on the opponent hand range editor.
[h1]Opponent Actions View Settings[/h1]
Click on the Options button in the lower left corner of the opponent actions view to display the view settings.
Opponent actions view settings.
The settings allow you to control what opponent actions are displayed in the view.
[h1]Main View[/h1]
The current hand main view consists of four tabs in the upper right of the current hand view.
The current hand main view (click to enlarge).
[h1]The Snapshot[/h1]
The snapshot tab displays graphical table view of the selected action in the opponent actions view.
The snapshot.
When you select a different action in the opponents action view, the snapshot will update to reflect that action.
[h1]Hole Cards[/h1]
The hole cards tab show a grid of possible starting hole cards.
The hero hole cards.
Hole cards displayed in green are hands you should push. Hole cards in red are hands you should fold. Each cell displays the Diff (equity push – equity fold) for the hand.
The hole cards tab is the only tab that does not depend on the selected opponent action.
The graphs tab diplays a graph of the selected opponent action (in the opponent actions view). You can select which graph to display by clicking on the Options menu at the lower left corner of the graph.
Hero diff versus opponent hand range graph.
The diff versus opponent hand range graph displays an opponent’s hand range plotted against the Diff% value for the hero’s hole cards. When computing the Diffs for a particular opponent hand range, all other opponent hand ranges are held constant to whatever value is set in the game view. Only the selected opponent hand range is varied.
The details tab shows detailed information about the selected opponent action (in the opponent actions view).
Details view.
At the top of the view is a description of all actions before and including the selected action.
[h2]Action Properties[/h2]
The next section displays some general properties of the selected action.
[h1]Analysis Summary[/h1]
The analysis summary view is located in the lower right corner of the current hand view.
The analysis summary (click to enlarge).
It displays a summary of the analysis using the currently selected hero hole cards.
The analysis summary (click to enlarge).
The fields displayed are: