Holdem Manager 3 (HM3) will install required dependencies when it is first installed. The following steps should only be performed if instructed by our support team.
HM3 requires Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.
Uninstall all Microsoft Visual VC++ 2015, VC++ 2017 and VC++ 2019 versions (both x86 and x64 versions if you see them) on your computer then install Microsoft Visual (VC++) 2015-2019 English versions. For x86 machines download it from here. For x64 machines download it from here and then also install the x86 version as well from here.
Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts and multiple 'check for updates').
If there are no Windows updates, or they don't force you to restart the computer, please restart the computer at least one time before you try to start HM3 again.
Right-click the file - 'Extract All...' then 'Browse' to: C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\Kits\ and click the 'Extract' button.